Round table on “Women and informal work in Palestine: Key policy issues” in Ramallah, 4 December 2013

Wed, 12/04/2013

CRTD.A organized a one day roundtable, hosted by ASALA, in Ramallah – Palestine, on the subject of ‘Women and informal work in Palestine: Key policy issues’. The event was held on the 4th of December 2013 and sought to review and understand how women’s informal work is defined and valued within the context of Palestine as well as to review the profile and dynamics of women in informal work, their contribution to the economy and the key legal and social impediments preventing women from attaining full labor rights.
The roundtable aimed at bringing the subject of women’s informal work as key to social security policies agendas and at developing ideas that will assist in redefining value and acknowledging informal work at the official level.

The roundtable was attended by some 20 persons representing CSOs and activists working on women’s economic rights as well as representatives of key public institutions, and was concluded with key recommendations as to address the enormous challenges faced by women in the economy, within a politically challenged country.