Regional Partners’ Meeting

Key words 

Regional, networking, campaigning, exchanges


CRTD.A works with a strong informal network of women organisations in the Arab region with whom it shares a vision of gender equality, social justice and inclusive citizenship. Collaboration with this regional network has started since the organisation was established in 1999 and was later formalised as a working structure which became known as the "Regional Partners' Meeting" (RPM).
CRTD.A's RPM includes partners, mostly women organiations, from Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Bahrain, Morocco, Jordan and Algeria. Many of the RPM partners are also inter-connected through being members of the Women Learning Partnership and/or members of the Equality without Reservation Coalition.

Key objectives

CRTD.A monthly convenes an RPM on a yearly basis in order to review contextual trends impacting women, reflect over achievements and challenges and strategise for collective action.

Strategies and activities

RPM's strategies include networking, collective advocacy and exchange of learning.
Key activities and outputs include the annual RPM meeting and common action plan s
uch as joint press releases and follow up with other networks.

How can you get involved?

If interested, please follow us on:, , and to have the latest news. You can also contribute by adding information as well as contacting the partners in your country or CRTD.A in Lebanon.