‘Gender and Right to Social Security in Morocco’ Rabat – 10 October 2013

Thu, 10/10/2013

CRTD.A held a one-day seminar in Rabat, Morocco, on the subject of ‘Gender and the Right to Social Security in Morocco’. The event was organised and hosted by Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc and was held on the 10th of October 2013. The event helped shed the light on the current Moroccan social security system in general and in relation to gender in particular. Some 50 persons from more than 15 organizations and institutions including embassies, ministries, international organizations and university students participated in this event.

The list of speakers included government employees, economists, anthropologists, sociologists, doctors and university professors. Presentations, discussions and debates pointed out the need for a profound reform in the Moroccan social security system, labor market structure, family policies and the recognition of women’s public role in securing family livelihoods and as active economic agents.

During the seminar, the first three presentations addressed a sociological, anthropological and economical macro-analysis of Moroccan society while the following three focused on the status of the current social security and pension system through analyzing and comparing relevant statistics.

In conclusion, participants agreed on the importance of addressing policy makers in order to promote evidence-based gender-sensitive policymaking which recognizes women’s care work as a work benefiting society at large thus entitling the care giver to economic and social benefits.