Implementation of the third part of the training workshop on Leading to a Culture of Democracy, 19 & 20 June 2016

Sun, 06/19/2016

CRTDA organized a training workshop entitled “Culture of Democracy” in its third part aiming for empowering democratic organizations, in its training center in the Museum area using the “Leading to democracy: Women in transitional societies” manual by the Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace.
Leaders from the steering committee of the Nationality campaign participated in the training and worked over two days, October 19 and 20 2016, to develop their abilities through exercises and extensive trainings to acquire skills starting from the following goals:
- Thinking of the reasons behind some people working for democracy
- Determining the properties of democratic institutions
- Considering institutions benefiting from democratic practices in the community
- Understanding the difference between political parties and non-governmental organizations
- Exploring the importance of each institution in forming a democratic society
- Revealing the characteristics of fair elections
- Determining the elements that can legitimate the electoral process
- Thinking of strategies to hold accountable elected officials