Invitation to a seminar on Gender Equality in the Venezuelan Constitution

Thu, 07/04/2013

The Collective for Research and Training for Development - Action, a member of the “Women Learning Partnership for Rights, Development and Peace” and the Lebanon Coordinator for “Equality without Reservation”, would like to invite you to an interactive seminar hosting Mr. Saul Ortega, head of the delegation of Venezuelan parliament members in MERCOSUR (Common Market of the South), Vice-President of the Parliament of MERCOSUR, and member of the Parliamentary Bloc of the PSUV party (United Socialist Party of Venezuela).
Mr. Ortega will share with the audience the experience of the Venezuelan Constitution especially at the level of ensuring gender equality and social justice in an effort to contribute to inspiring processes of constitutional reforms in some countries of the Arab region.
The seminar will be held within the framework of the CRTD.A – WLP, Regional Training of Trainers which hosts women from Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Morocco.
The event will be held on Thursday 4 July from 4:00 pm till 6:00 pm at USJ campus, faculty of human sciences, room polyvalente, building C, 5th floor, and will be followed by a reception in honor of our esteemed guests.