CRTD.A||Consultative meeting: “Moving forward with women’s economic rights” ||Nabatieh, 4 April 2013

Thu, 04/04/2013

CRTD.A organised its third consultation meeting on women’s economic rights within the framework of its Regional Economic Empowerment for Women Programme which is funded by CIDA and managed by Oxfam-Quebec.  The consultation meeting was organised

in Nabatyeh on April 4th 2013 and discussed the results and areas of concerns that were agreed in the earlier meetings which were held in Beqaa, Tripoli and Beirut, in addition to the summary of recommendations related to priorities identified by participants and so as to agree on future follow-up actions aiming at strengthening women’s economic rights as well as develop an action plan for this purpose.
Some 42 participants representing the public sector, MOSA’s social centers local organizations, cooperatives, women organizations and syndicates took part in this consultation meeting.  Participants agreed to focus on reforming the labor laws as well as the social security    funds from the perspective of women’s work and women’s real contribution to the economy.  A small working group was subsequently formed to develop an action plan and present it during the follow-up meeting the date of which is to be decided.