CRTD.A || “Women’s Economic Empowerment and the role of the media” || Beirut 7 & 8 February 2013

Thu, 02/07/2013

CRTD.A organised an interactive training workshop en “Women’s Economic Empowerment and the rile of the media”. The workshop was organised within the framework of its Regional Economic Empowerment of Women Project which is funded by CIDA and Oxfam Quebec.
The first workshop was held in Beirut on 8 & 9 Feb with 10 participants.  The interactive sessions focused on strengthening the capacities of participants in the following key thematic and skills areas:

  • Mainstreaming gender in the media
  • Advocacy for empowering women
  • Gender and the economy
  • Women in the Lebanese economy
  • The economic role of rural women cooperatives
  • Challenges that the media face in addressing the gender gap in economic participation
  • How to measure the impact of the media in addressing the gender gap
  • Analysis the media discourse from a gender perspective
  • Ethics and the media

The workshop included a special session totally devoted to sharing the results of the media gender audit which provided a reality check of how the media in Lebanon understands and addresses women’s economic empowerment.
By the end of the workshop, participants were requested to write an article on any of the topics covered by the workshop.  The articles will be peer reviewed during the second stage of the training and will be published on the project portal with a view to selecting the three best articles for international publishing.