CRTD.A Invitation to a Research Sharing Seminar on Women Economic Participation in Lebanon||13 &14 July 2012

Tue, 06/26/2012

During the past two years, CRTD.A has conducted a number of qualitative researches and knowledge gathering activities on women's economic and social participation as part of the "Regional Economic Empowerment of Women Programme" (funded by CIDA and managed by Oxfam-Quebec).

In an effort to share the results of these efforts and bring these closer to policy and field community practice, CRTD.A will be organising a one and a half day National Knowledge Sharing Seminar.
The main aim of this Sharing Seminar is to bring back and share the experience, knowledge and research findings from this series of activities to the research participants as well as other key stakeholders involved in women economic empowerment initiatives, in order to contribute to developing new research questions as well as to set up an informal network of individuals interested in pursuing these discussions at the research and policy levels.
The one and a half day event will include sessions which participants could choose to attend selectively based on their areas of interest and engagement.
The subjects covered by the knowledge and research sessions include:
● Context review on women's economic participation & empowerment
● A rural women field research looking at the role that Rural Women Cooperatives play as vectors for leadership and empowerment
● ِA pilot organisational gender audit
● Pilot community field researches related to women's economic participation and leadership
● Launching of the knowledge portal on women economic empowerment
Date: The National Knowledge Sharing Seminar will be held on 13 &14 July
Venue: YWCA of Lebanon, Ain Mraisseh - Rustom Pasha Str. Beirut - Lebanon
Tel: 01-367750/1 | 01-368019 | 01-360789/90
The concept note and agenda of the seminar is on the following link:
If interested, please confirm your participation through contacting us on 01-397796 & 01-397813 or on: