Arab Women's Right to Nationality Campaign Event Spotlights

Thu, 21 Nov, 2013
Lebanon is celebrating this year the 70th anniversary of its Independence amidst a general political, social, and economic crisis and a lack of clarity regarding the future of its citizens who are increasingly bearing the brunt of insecurity as well as abysmal living conditions. Dominant political forces continue their confessional bickering whilst being totally oblivious of the interests of citizens who should be their prime concern. more
Fri, 15 Nov, 2013
Supportive of women’s right for full citizenship Refusing the exclusion and marginalization of Lebanese women Calling for a new Lebanese state that safeguards citizenship and social entitlements For full equality in the law My Nationality is a Right for Me and My Family Formed of concerned women, their families and civil activists for equal rights Women and men from all parts of Lebanon and from all walks of life Invite you to take part in a large demonstration on the occasion of Independence Day To mark... more
Tue, 29 Oct, 2013
Within the framework of its regional field visits aiming at developing new contacts with concerned women and active members of civil society, the Nationality Campaign organised on October 29-2013 a local general assembly which was held in Ministry of Social Affairs social development center in Bourj Hammoud. more
Tue, 22 Oct, 2013
Within the framework of its regional field visits aiming at developing new contacts with concerned women and active members of civil society, the Nationality Campaign organised on October 22-2013 a local general assembly which was held in Hibarieh Municipality in Hibarieh, Chebaa Nabatieh. more
Sat, 19 Oct, 2013
Within the framework of its regional field visits aiming at developing new contacts with concerned women and active members of civil society, the Nationality Campaign organised on October 19-2013 a local general assembly which was held in Ministry of Social Affairs social development center in Ksara Zahleh. The local assembly was attended by 40 concerned women who were recently introduced to the campaign. The event provided an opportunity to discuss the campaign, its background, key objectives and... more
Thu, 10 Oct, 2013
Within the framework of its regional field visits aiming at developing new contacts with concerned women and active members of civil society, the Nationality Campaign organised on October 10-2013 a local general assembly which was held in Fatmeh Gomrawi Hall in Jabal Al Beddawi- Tripoli. The local assembly was attended by 40 concerned women who were recently introduced to the campaign. The event provided an opportunity to discuss the campaign, its background, key objectives and activities, in addition to... more
Mon, 7 Oct, 2013
My Nationality is a Right for me and my Family Campaign issued a statement last Saturday as a rebuttal to an interview given by the Minister of Interior, Marwan Charbel, to the An Nahar newspaper regarding the recent naturalization decree number 10214. more
Thu, 3 Oct, 2013
Within the framework of its regional field visits aiming at developing new contacts with concerned women and active members of civil society, the Nationality Campaign organised on October 3-2013 a local general assembly which was held in Charity Women Association in Halba Akkar. The local assembly was attended by 50 concerned women who were recently introduced to the campaign. The event provided an opportunity to discuss the campaign, its background, key objectives and activities, in addition to the... more
Tue, 24 Sep, 2013
Within the framework of its regional field visits aiming at developing new contacts with concerned women and active members of civil society, the Nationality Campaign organised on September 24-2013 a local general assembly which was held in Hamad Social Hall in Tariq El Jdideh. The local assembly was attended by 40 concerned women who were recently introduced to the campaign. The event provided an opportunity to discuss the campaign, its background, key objectives and activities. more
Fri, 20 Sep, 2013
My Nationality is a Right for Me and My Family Campaign noted that the new naturalisation decree number 10214 signed by the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister was finally made public by the As Safir newspaperfollowing numerous rumors on this matter echoed by themedia. more