Arab Women's Right to Nationality Campaign Event Spotlights

Wed, 30 Jun, 2021
“My nationality is a right for me and my family” Campaign and the “Collective for Research & Training on Development - Action” in partnership and cooperation with “Salam for Democracy and Human Rights” launched the advocacy campaign “Our right is not Patronage”, to demand the Lebanese state for immediate action in amending the Nationality Law to achieve full equality between women and men. more
Mon, 27 Apr, 2020
Every day, our government practices blatant discrimination and racism towards Lebanese women. In every decision it takes to help the male Lebanese citizens, it violates the right of the female Lebanese citizens! more
Wed, 27 Mar, 2019
A delegation from My Nationality is A Right for Me and My Family Campaign discussed yesterday with the new minister of state for women and youth empowerment, Violette Safadi, the amendment of the current nationality law to the end of ensuring Lebanese women’s right to confer nationality to family members. The delegation handed the minister a complete file including its demands and the draft bill of the desired egalitarian nationality law (c.f: Both sides tackled the legal... more
Wed, 27 Mar, 2019
On the 75th Independence Day, while Lebanese women married to non-Lebanese are still denied the right to confer nationality to their family members, My Nationality is a Right for Me and My Family campaign called on concerned women and their children to post comments on its Facebook page and speak out against the discriminatory actions which deprive them of their basic civil rights ( The posts stressed that no independence is complete under the outdated French Mandate laws, calling... more
Wed, 27 Mar, 2019
My Nationality is A Right for Me and My Family Campaign organised a sit-in on Sunday at Riad Solh Square under the banner, ‘Nationality is a sense of belonging and a right for all women’. The sit-in was aimed to remind officials of the discrimination suffered by Lebanese mothers preventing them from conferring nationality to their children, requesting a law to this effect. more
Fri, 23 Nov, 2018
On the 75th Independence Day, while Lebanese women married to non-Lebanese are still denied the right to confer nationality to their family members, My Nationality is a Right for Me and My Family campaign called on concerned women and their children to post comments on its Facebook page and speak out against the discriminatory actions which deprive them of their basic civil rights ( The posts stressed that no independence is complete under the outdated French Mandate laws, calling... more
Thu, 26 Jul, 2018
My Nationality is A Right for Me and My Family campaign warned in a statement yesterday of naturalization requests being concocted by unofficial parties to facilitate the granting of the Lebanese nationality to mislead applicants. This, the statement added, involves some makhatirs who claim to expedite naturalization procedures for specific sects exclusively. more
Thu, 21 Jun, 2018
Future Movement MP Rula Tabsh Jarudi received on Tuesday a delegation from ‘My Nationality is A Right for Me and My Family’ Campaign led by its coordinator, Karima Shebbo who presented a proposal for the amendment of the nationality law in such that it gives Lebanese mothers equal right to confer nationality to their families as men. A statement issued by the Campaign said the meeting was part of an ongoing cooperation with MP Tabsh since her nomination to the parliamentary elections and her adoption of... more
Thu, 6 Apr, 2017
My Nationality is a Right for Me and My Family campaign staged a sit in yesterday outside the labor ministry in Msharafiyeh protesting the ministry’s clampdown on foreign workforce which they said is preventing their non-national children and spouses from work. Women protestors and their families hoisted banners which read, ‘discrimination between men and women citizens is against the law’, ‘no compromise on the rights of women’, ‘children and spouses of Lebanese women don’t need a permit’ and ‘it is my... more
Mon, 20 Mar, 2017
Under the banner ‘Mothers’ Day Respited’, My Nationality Is A Right For Me and My Family campaign staged a sit-in yesterday in Riad el Solh demanding ratification of the draft law for granting Lebanese women the nationality to their family members. Nadira Nahas, speaking on behalf of the mothers, and in the presence of nearly 2000 people, said protestors are here to claim their rights as sanctioned by the Constitution of Lebanon. more