IRIS: Independent Resource and Information Services Event Spotlights

Fri, 8 Jul, 2016
Contrary to what some women advocate groups hoped for, a comparison conducted by CRTD,A on the results of the 2010 and 2016 municipal elections in terms of women’s representation, has shown no significant change to this effect. This conclusion comes despite numerous initiatives launched by civil and women organizations as well as repeated calls by various political circles to support the participation of women in public affairs. more
Wed, 3 Feb, 2016
This year is witnessing significant changes within IRIS. The purpose is to be able to provide better services to our readers and followers as well as keep abreast on digital knowledge dissemination. These changes are informed by the internal review of our decade-long work and which we carried out over the last few months. more
Fri, 30 May, 2014
Uruguayan president Jose Mujica once again provides an example of empathy, humility and solidarity as he opens his personal home to 100 Syrian refugee children with their guardians. Mujica, who is also known as the world poorest President hopes that other countries will show equal solidarity and generosity with the Syrian refugees. Prior to this move, Mujica had taken many other bold and progressive decisions in the field of equality, social justice and tolerance. Indeed, that is the kind of leader... more
Tue, 15 Jan, 2013
The 1932 census has undoubtedly played a fundamental role in the state-building process of the modern Lebanon. It constituted the basis for the "official" registration of the population residing in Lebanon and for Lebanese emigrants. The 1932 census is also considered to be one of the milestones of the citizenship legislation in Lebanon and remains thus far the only census to have been carried out to date. more
Mon, 12 Mar, 2012
CRTD.A has a public library consisting of two sections. The first section includes resources in the fields of community development and civil society. The second section includes specialized resources in gender and development, women’s rights and equality. The library serves the interest of students, researchers, media figures and individuals involved in gender issues, and civil society. The total number of visitors to CRTD.A library in 2011 was 16. Please find attached the list of visitors for the year... more
Fri, 1 Oct, 2010
In 2010, a Yemeni group composed of 12 members from the GDRSC Gender Development Research and Study Centre at Sana'a University visit CRTD.A in order to build up a professional network and also to share CRTD.A experience in terms of library management, production and dissemination of information and media coverage. more