SEOW: Sustainable Economic Opportunities for Women (Regional) Event Spotlights
Tue, 11 Jul, 2017
(Panel Discussions with Radwan Mortada - Prepared by Dr. Omar Nashabeh, CRTD.A 2016) (Arabic, English)
This manual is published under CRTD.A’s regional project “Sustainable Economic Opportunities for Women” – phase 3.
This regional project comes within the framework of the women economic empowerment program, implemented by the association as part of its commitment towards integrating the gender concept in economy, public policies and civil society organizations’ action, in order to fight gender based...
Wed, 26 Apr, 2017
The economic reality in the region (Panel Discussions with Dr. Charbel Nahhas - Prepared by Dr. Omar Nashabeh, CRTD.A 2016) (Arabic, English)
This manual is published under CRTD.A’s regional project “Sustainable Economic Opportunities for Women” – phase 3.
This regional project comes within the framework of the women economic empowerment program, implemented by the association as part of its commitment towards integrating the gender concept in economy, public policies and civil society organizations’...
Mon, 10 Apr, 2017
The Collective for Research and Training on Development – Action recently published a research report by Tina Wallace on Women’s Work in Lebanon. This publication falls within CRTD.A’s regional program “Sustainable Economic Empowerment for Women” (SEOW phase 3).
Tue, 30 Dec, 2014
Thirty three activists from Arab CSOs; rights based, feminist and development organisations working in Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Tunisia and Morocco, met in Beirut upon the invitation of CRTD.A to take part in the second RPM of the SEOW3 project which was held over three consecutive days from 15 to 17 December 2014. The purpose of the meeting was to review the progress of the programme implementation; to discuss the overall context in the Arab region and its impact on women's position with...
Mon, 30 Jun, 2014
The Collective for Research and Training on Development Action convened on June 18 and 19th the Core Group Meeting of civil society and women organizations partners in the sustainable economic opportunities regional project. The regional meeting was attended by 11 organisations from Egypt, Morocco, Yemen, Libya, Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon, which reviewed and discussed the current situation of women in the Arab region since 2011 and how to push the work of their organisations forward at the level of...
Sat, 21 Dec, 2013
The SEOW2 Regional Project convened its 2013 annual Regional Partners' Meeting which was held on December 20 and 21st. The meeting was attended by 33 participants from Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Yemen, Tunisia and Libya, Palestine in addition to Lebanon. The first day of the meeting was essentially devoted to a sharing of key trends and developments in the regional and country contexts with an emphasis on impact on women's economic rights and empowerment.
Wed, 4 Dec, 2013
CRTD.A organized a one day roundtable, hosted by ASALA, in Ramallah – Palestine, on the subject of ‘Women and informal work in Palestine: Key policy issues’. The event was held on the 4th of December 2013 and sought to review and understand how women’s informal work is defined and valued within the context of Palestine as well as to review the profile and dynamics of women in informal work, their contribution to the economy and the key legal and social impediments preventing women from attaining full...
Sat, 12 Oct, 2013
CRTD.A completed its SEOW2 activities in Egypt for 2013 with a workshop held on 12th of October, hosted by New Woman Foundation, which dealt with the ideological background and guiding principles for the reform of the Egyptian Constitution. The workshop’s key note speaker was expert and Constitutional Advisor Ashraf El Baroudi.
Thu, 10 Oct, 2013
CRTD.A held a one-day seminar in Rabat, Morocco, on the subject of ‘Gender and the Right to Social Security in Morocco’. The event was organised and hosted by Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc and was held on the 10th of October 2013. The event helped shed the light on the current Moroccan social security system in general and in relation to gender in particular. Some 50 persons from more than 15 organizations and institutions including embassies, ministries, international organizations and...
Wed, 18 Sep, 2013
CRTD.A organized a two-day workshop in Cairo, Egypt in cooperation with the New Women Foundation on the subject of “integrating women's social and economic rights in Egypt’s constitutional reform process”. The event was held on the 18th and 19th of September 2013 in parallel to the Egyptian 2013 constitutional reform. Some 120 persons attended the event including the network of SEOW2 core partners in Egypt alongside a regional participation from Morocco and Yemen and representatives from political...