WEEP: Women Economic Empowerment Programme Event Spotlights

Wed, 30 May, 2012
CRTD.A will also be at the Garden Show this year! Please visit the Namlyeh stand and taste the wonderful produce of more than 30 Rural Women Cooperatives from all over Lebanon. This year, you can also visit the CRTD.A stand where you can get to know all about what we do, our causes, our campaigns and our next event. more
Wed, 23 May, 2012
Rural women empowerment More than 500 women work in 32 cooperatives spread around rural Lebanon Nicolas Lupo, May 23, 2012   The tray of candied orange peel occupies most of the table. Zainab Ahmud grabs a handful and places it in a plastic bag. She seals and moves it aside before repeating the process. Boxes of freshly made, traditional products pile up at the corner more
Thu, 19 Apr, 2012
CRTD.A participated in the International Conference organized by AWID entitled “Transforming economic power to advance women’s rights and justice” that was held from 19 to 22 of April 2012 in Turkey. The AWID forum, aimed to explore “how economic power is impacting on women and the planet, and to facilitate connections among diverse groups working on these issues from both human rights and justice approaches”. The participants at the forum discussed how to contribute to create “effective strategies to... more
Thu, 29 Mar, 2012
As part of its on-going work on women's economic rights and entitlements, the Collective for Research and Training on Development-Action (CRTD.A) organized a small round table more
Sat, 24 Mar, 2012
Support Rural Women work Join us in the celebrating the "International Day of Rural Women" with Namileh first tasting exhibition in the Bekaa On Saturday 24th March 2012 From 11h to 15h more
Thu, 1 Mar, 2012
The Collective for Research and Training on Development -Action and the Women Learning Partnership organised on March 1st a parallel event at the 56th CSW in New York to discuss the complex issue of rural women's work and the impact of a narrow definition of "rural women's work" on subsequent social policies and legal framework that continue to penalize rural women in Lebanon and throughout MENA. more