Gender and Leadership Event Spotlights

Wed, 23 May, 2012
In cooperation with the Makhzoumi Organization, and the Ministry of Social Affairs, CRTD.A organized a workshop under the headline, “Participatory leadership, communication and decision making.” The workshop took place in Hay el-Sullum in Beirut’s southern suburbs. more
Thu, 19 Apr, 2012
CRTD.A participated in the International Conference organized by AWID entitled “Transforming economic power to advance women’s rights and justice” that was held from 19 to 22 of April 2012 in Turkey. The AWID forum, aimed to explore “how economic power is impacting on women and the planet, more
Fri, 30 Mar, 2012
CRTD.A organized in collaboration with WLP a Training of Trainers workshop on Leadership and political participation from 30 March until April 2nd 2012 at YWCA- Ain Mreyseh. 22 participants from different backgrounds attended the workshop and tackled the leadership and communication skills for change, the power and politics in addition to the advocacy and campaigns improvement . more
Thu, 1 Mar, 2012
The Collective for Research and Training on Development -Action and the Women Learning Partnership organised on March 1st a parallel event at the 56th CSW in New York to discuss the complex more
Fri, 28 Oct, 2011
The WIDE Network, in collaboration with the Collective for Research and Training for Development - Action from Lebanon (CRTD.A), co-organised an International Conference entitled: "Women's Rights and Gender Equality amidst the 'Arab Springs'” on 27 and 28 Oct, 2011 in Brussels, Belgium The two days conference was attended by 200 participants, mostly women feminist activists from 35 countries from across the globe. The panels included the experiences, insights and contributions of activists from the Arab... more