“Women’s Economic Empowerment and the role of the media” || Tyr 5 & 6 March 2013

Tue, 03/05/2013

CRTD.A’s Women Economic Empowerment Programme (WEEP) organised, within the framework of its Regional Economic Empowerment of Women project funded by CIDA and Oxfam-Quebec,  a training workshop on the media and women’s economic rights in Tyre on 5 and 6 March 2013 at the Imam Sadr Foundations.
This is the fourth and last workshop in a series that covered all of Lebanon. This workshop was attended by 11 women and men working in the media and was facilitated by Magda Abou Fadel and Saada Allaw.  During the first day of the workshop, Abou Fadel presented information on various experiences related to women’s economic empowerment in rural areas whilst focusing on the obstacles that women face and how to overcome these.  She also addressed the role of women in the Lebanese economy whilst using the rural women cooperatives as an illustration for economic empowerment. Allaw shared the preliminary results of a study she has undertaken for CRTD.A on the ways in which the local media understands and covers issues related to women’s economic empowerment.
By the end of the training, participants were asked to develop an article on the topics addressed which will be submitted for a critical review by a jury of media specialists.