Change of schedule ||Media Training Workshop on Women’s Economic Rights

Wed, 01/23/2013


How can the media support women’s economic empowerment?
What are the key issues related to women’s economic participation and empowerment of women?
What is women’s work? How does it contribute to the economy? How can it be recognized and visibilised?

Within the framework of itsRegional Economic Empowerment for Women Project, implemented with funding from CIDA and Oxfam Quebec, CRTD.A is organizing an interactive workshop on “Women’s Economic Empowerment and the Critical Role of the Media”.
The workshop is envisaged in two parts. The first part will extend over two days and will include in-depth and interactive sessions covering the following topics:
●Gender mainstreaming in media
●Promoting equality, women’s empowerment
●Case studies of successful women’s economic empowerment initiatives
●Gender equality as smart economics
●Women in the Lebanese economy
●Rural women’s cooperatives and their economic impact
●Media challenges to reduce gender gaps
●Gender-sensitive indicators for media
●Gender-neutral language for media
●Media Ethics
The two-days learning and exchange will also include a session to share the results of an exciting study undertaken by CRTD.A and involving a snapshot gender audit of selected media outlets.
Participants will have the opportunity to write a short article on the key issues discussed during the workshop.  Participants will be invited to partake in a subsequent one day seminar during which they will present their article to a select jury.
All articles will be published on the Women Economic Empowerment Learning Portal with full recognition of the authors.
The jury will also select the three best articles which will have the opportunity to be published in an online web media.
Eligible candidates must fulfill the following criteria:
●Involved in writing to a local, regional or web-based media outlet
●Excellent writing skills
●Commitment to writing about women’s empowerment
●Commitment to complete the training and the related practicum
Kindly note that the dates of the workshops have been set as follows for each region:

Training in Beirut
February 7 - 8 -  March 1

Training in the North
February 14 - 15 - March 7

Training in the Bekaa
February 21- 22 -  March 8

Training in the South
March 5- 6 -  Follow-up to be determined in March

Interested participants are requested to send their CV as well as theirmotivation letter at least 5 days before the date of the workshop to which they are applying. Applications should be sent to
Only selected candidates with demonstrable commitment to complete the three days training and submit the requested practical assignment will be contacted and invited to join the workshop.