Immediate recruitment @ CRTD.A || Knowledge Workshop Coordinator

Mon, 10/15/2012

Short-term consultancy ||Within the framework of its Regional Economic Empowerment of Women Project (REEWP), CRTD.A is leading on an internal regional learning initiative for project partners, focusing on "opportunities and challenges for marketing". REEWP is a regional project managed by Oxfam-Québec and funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), covering four countries (Tunisia, Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon), and aiming at creating an enabling environment for the sustainable economic development of women and economic empowerment opportunities in the Arab region. The main goal of this regional initiative is to reflect and share knowledge on experiences and best practices in marketing of women's crafts and food processed goods as well as build the capacities of key partners' organisations (KPOs) and selected counterparts for creating sustainable marketing initiatives. More specifically, the objectives of this initiative are conceived to be inter-connected as follows: a. Gain practical exposure to actual marketing experiences and tease out tangible dos' and don'ts. b. Gain a better conceptual and practical understanding of the impact of macro and micro contextual factors, which would determine the effectiveness, and viability of a marketing operation. c. Reflect collectively on potentially new and promising marketing initiatives. d. Provide a space for KPOs and counterparts to develop their own skills for improving their marketing initiatives. e. Contribute to strengthening relations amongst KPOs and between KPOs and their own contexts. Two activities are envisaged to take place from October 2012 to March 2013, namely a regional exchange workshop followed by a capacity building training workshop. CRTD.A is seeking to recruit a short-term consultant to serve as the coordinator of the regional BDS learning initiative. The tasks and responsibilities of the consultant have been set as follows: 1. Undertake all the logistical and administrative preparations for the two activities 2. Develop the needed documentations and research papers 3. Liaise with the facilitators to be recruited for each event 4. Liaise with partners and stakeholders 5. Attend the two events and prepare the reports and minutes of the two events The ideal candidate should meet the following requirements: 1. University degree in social sciences or humanities 2. Excellent organization and coordination skills 3. Familiarity with issues related to economic empowerment and marketing as well as gender equality 4. Excellent writing skills in both English and Arabic 5. Excellent communication skills 6. Ability to work under pressure and meet multiple deadlines The successful candidate is expected to work up to 30 days during a 5 month long period. Interested candidates should send their CV, a detailed application letter and three references to Please indicate "BDS Consultant" in the subject line. Selection is on an immediate and rolling basis. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.