The Gender and Development E-Brief (aka GAD E-Brief) is a monthly electronic bulletin produced by CRTD.A in both English and Arabic. GAD E-Brief tracks, harvests and compiles news, researches, events, and analysis on gender, development, human rights, gender based violence, family laws, policies and practices from various global electronic sources in addition to credible NGOs and CSOs publications and other published material.
To subscribe to the Gender and Development E-Brief: subscribeebrief@crtda.org.lb
To browse earlier edition of the Gender and Development E-Brief: http://web.crtda.org.lb/en/newsletters/Gender-Development-E-Brief
Gender and Development e-Brief receives material from various sources for its publication. Should you wish to refer to these sources/ sites directly, the list includes publications from: AVIVA, www.aviva.org, AWID: www.awid.org, Democracy Digest: www.freedomhouse.org, Development Gateway: www.developmentgatway.org, Dignity: www.dignity.org, e-Civicus: www.civicus.org, Eldis: www.eldis.org, ESCWA: www.escwa.org.lb, GDB: www.developmentex.com, Global Knowledge Partnership: www.globalknowledge.org, IGTN: www.IGTN.org, ILO: www.ilo.org One World: www.oneworld.net, Siyanda: www.siyanda.org, The Daily Star: www.dailystar.com.lb, The Drum Beat: www.comminit.com, The Soul Beat: www.comminit.com, The World Bank: www.worldbank.org, UNDP: www.undp.org, Wicejilist: www.wicej.addr.com, WLP: www.learningpartnership.org; WIDE: www.wide-network.org; IRIN News: www.irinnews.org, Women's UN Report Network: www.wunrn.com, Women Living Under Muslim Laws: www.wluml.org